Christmas and New Year is full of temptations. rich, heavy foods, alcohol and parties! So what an we do to avoid a flare up as best we can?
These are my top tips, I would love to hear yours!
Hydration! Hydration! Hydration!
Dehydration is a huge concern to people following the removal of the large bowel, whether it is for an ileostomy stoma or JPouch as in my case.
The colon is responsible for reabsorbing large amounts of liquid that are passed on from the stomach to the small intestine. When the colon is removed output is higher and contains much of the essential liquids your body needs to function. It can be inefficient in maintaining levels of electrolytes and minerals that are needed and dehydration is a serious issue.
Being dehydrated is a serious risk to your general health, it can cause dizziness, dry mouth, little or no urination, concentrated dark urine, weight loss, hoarse voice, acne sunken eyes, insomnia and energy loss. Feeling lethargic, achy and stiff seem to be the symptoms that people don’t associate with dehydration particularly when they suffer IBD as it could also indicate active disease. If you are suffering it is vital to get checked out.
QUALITY OVER QUANTITY! Don't drink more water, drink the right drinks,